

Prenatal alcohol exposure and sleep-wake behaviors: exploratory and naturalistic observations in the clinical setting and in an animal model
Ipsiroglu, O.S., Wind, K., Hung, Y-H(A)., Berger, M., Chan, F., Yu, W., Stockler, S., Weinberg, J. (2019). Sleep Medicine, 54: 101-112.


Iron deficiency and sleep disorders: a scoping review
Leung, W. Singh, I., Stewart, E., Stockler, S., Ipsiroglu, O. S. (2018). Dev Med Child Neurol. 2018 May;60(Suppl. 2):68.

Iron deficiency and neurodevelopmental disorders attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder (ADHD), autism, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD): a scoping review
Singh, I., Leung, W., Stewart, E., Ipsiroglu, O. S., Stockler, S. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2018 May; 60(Suppl. 2):72.

Learning To Phenotype RLS From Zappelphilipp (Fidgety Philip) Cartoons
Hussaina, H., Tse, E., Beyzaei, N., Maher, K.S., Bao, S., Campbell, M., Carson, N., Garn, H., Kohn, B., Lee, Y.J., Van der Loos, M., Stockler, S., Spruyt, K., Klösch, G., Ipsiroglu, O. (2018). 0667 .Sleep. 41. A247-A247. 10.1093/sleep/zsy061.666.

Vigilance Observations - Learning from Nighttime Driving Behaviours
Tse, E., Bao, S., Campbell, M., Carson, N., Hussaina, H.,Maher, K.S., Beyzaei, N., Kemethofer., Seidenberger., Spruyt, K., Lewis, S., Ipsiroglu, O., Klösch, G. (2018). 0635. Sleep. 41. A236-A236. 10.1093/sleep/zsy061.634.


Recordings of Naturalistic Observations: Pattern Recognition of Disruptive Behaviours in People with Mental Health or Neurodevelopmental Conditions
Ipsiroglu OS, Kloesch G, Beyzaei N, McCabe S, Berger M, Kuhle HJ, Kohn B, Puyat J, Van der Loos HFM, Garn H, and the Video Working Group of IPSA. (2017). Kerzel S, Paditz E. Brücken bauen: Kinderschlafmedizin verbindet - Aktuelle Kinderschlafmedizin [Building Bridges: Combining Pediatric Sleep Medicine - Current Pediatric Sleep Medicine]: 54-76.

Ipsiroglu OS. (2017). Saygi ve Sayginlik [Chapter: Respect and Dignity]. Kuyumcu N. Nazan Ipsiroglu (1923-2015).

Suggested clinical immobilization test – structured analysis of H-behaviours using a pattern analysis mind map
N. Beyzaei, B. Kohn, E. Tse, M. Campbell, M. Berger, G. Klösch, Y. J. Lee, M. Van der Loos, H. Garn, OS. Ipsiroglu. Somnologie, 21(Supplement 2), 2017, S122. doi:10.1007/s11818-017-0140-6

Behavioural observations in RLS – analyzing Zappelphilipp cartoons and video snapshots
N. Beyzaei, B. Kohn, E. Tse, M. Campbell, M. Berger, G. Klösch, Y. J. Lee, M. Van der Loos, H. Garn, K. Spruyt, OS. Ipsiroglu. Somnologie, 21(Supplement 2), 2017, S127. doi:10.1007/s11818-017-0140-6

Comorbidities and access to health care in a Canadian cohort of individuals with Down syndrome
N. Beyzaei, Stockler S, McKenna D, Hanbury P, Chan M, Tse E, Berger M, Ipsiroglu OS (2017). Sleep Med. 2017 Dec;40(Suppl. 1):e142.

Sleep problems in children with Down syndrome
Tse E, Marwaha A, Beyzaei N, Berger M, Chan M, McKenna D, Hanbury P, Stockler S, Ipsiroglu OS (2017). Sleep Med. 2017 Dec;40(Suppl. 1):e142.

Comorbidities and access to health care in a Canadian cohort of individuals with Down syndrome
Ipsiroglu OS, Beyzaei N, McKenna D, Hanbury P, Chan M, Tse E, Berger M, Stockler S (2017). Dev Med Child Neurol. 2017 May;59(Suppl. 2):87.

Sleep problems in children with Down syndrome
Ipsiroglu OS, Tse E, Marwaha A, Beyzaei N, Berger M, Chan M, McKenna D, Hanbury P, Stockler S (2017). Dev Med Child Neurol. 2017 May;59(Suppl. 2):41.

Review of a multisensor, low cost, and unobtrusive approach to detect movements in SIT and sleep
Lee, Y., Beyzaei, N., Tse, E., Kohn, B., Garn, H., Kloesch, G., Ipsiroglu, O. S., Van der Loos, H. F. M. (2017). Sleep, 40(Suppl. 1), A276-A277. doi:10.1093/sleepj/zsx050.745

Behavioural observations step 1: “Fidgety philip”, the godfather of ADHD?
Tse, E., Carson, N., Hussaina, H., Campbell, M., Bao, S., Maher, K. S., Jeyaratnam, J., Beyzaei, N., Garn, H., Spruyt, K., Kloesch, G., & Ipsiroglu, O. (2017). Sleep Medicine, 40(Suppl. 1), e164. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2017.11.482

Behavioural observations step 2: developing a shared annotation language for analysis of video recordings
Maher, K. S., Campbell, M., Jeyaratnam, J., Tse, E., Bao, Carson, N., Hussaina, H., Beyzaei, N., Berger, M., Lee, Y. J., Spruyt, K., Van der Loos, H. F. M., & Ipsiroglu, O. (2017). Sleep Medicine, 40(Suppl. 1), e108. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2017.11.314

Behavioural observations step 3: vigilance of night-time drivers
Tse, E., Bao, S., Campbell, M., Carson, N., Hussaina, H., Maher, K. S., Jeyaratnam, J., Beyzaei, N., Kemethofer, M., Seidenberger, M., Spruyt, K., Lewis, S., Ipsiroglu, O., & Kloesch, G. (2017). Sleep Medicine, 40(Suppl. 1), e164-165. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2017.11.483


3D detection of periodic limb movements in sleep
Garn H, Kohn B, Dittrich K, Wiesmeier C, Kloesch G, Stepansky R, Ipsiroglu OS, et al. (2016). 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). 0: 427-430. 10.1109/EMBC.2016.7590731.

Challenging sleep-wake behaviors reported in informal, conversational interviews of caregivers of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Spruyt K, Ipsiroglu OS, Stockler S, Reynolds JN. (2016). International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. 0: 1-10.

‘Emplotted Narratives' and Structured ‘Behavioral Observations' supporting the diagnosis of Willis Ekbom Disease/Restless Legs Syndrome in Children with Neurodevelopmental Conditions
Ipsiroglu, O.S., Beyzaei, N., Dhalla, S., Wagner, A., Berger, M., Garden, J., & Stockler, S. (2016). CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, 22(11): 894–905.doi: 10.1111/cns.12564


Pathways to Overmedication and Polypharmacy: Case Examples from Adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Ipsiroglu, O.S., Berger, M., Lin, T., Elbe, D., Stockler-Ipsiroglu S., & Carleton, B. (2015). In N. Di Pietro & J. Illes (Eds.), The Science and Ethics of Antipsychotic Use in Children. (pp. 125-148). Waltham, MA: Elsevier.

Autismus-Spektrum- Störungen und Willis-Ekbom-Erkrankung. Ein Plädoyer für explorative Anamnesen
Ipsiroglu, O.S (2015). Kinderschlafmedizin 2015.

'Diagnosis by Behavioural Observation' Home-videosomnography - A Rigorous Ethnographic Approach to Sleep of Children with Neurodevelopmental Conditions
Ipsiroglu, O.S., Hung Y.H., Chan, F., Ross, M.L., Veer, D., Soo, S., Ho, G., Berger, M., McAllister, G., Garn, H., Kloesch, G., Barbosa, A.V., Stockler, S., McKellin, W., & Vatikiotis-Bateson E. (2015). Frontiers in Psychiatry, (6):39. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00039

A randomized controlled trial of an intervention for infants' behavioral sleep problems
Hall WA, Hutton E, Brant RF, Collet JP, Gregg K, Saunders R, Ipsiroglu O, Gafni A, Triolet K, Tse L, Bhagat R, Wooldridge J. (2015). BMC pediatrics. 15(1): 181.

Willis-Ekbom Disease (WED) and sleep problems in children with Down syndrome (DS)
Chan M, Beyzaei N, Stockler S, Ipsiroglu OS (2015). Sleep Med. 2015 Dec;16(Suppl. 1):S2015.

Falling asleep and sleep maintenance challenges due to Willis-Ekbom Disease/Restless Legs Syndrome (WED/RLS) in children with Down syndrome (DS)
Chan M, Beyzaei N, Stockler S, Ipsiroglu OS (2015). Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2015 May;19S(Suppl. 1):S136.

Willis-Ekbom Disease (WED) and sleep problems in children with Down syndrome (DS)
Chan M, Beyzaei N, Stockler S, Ipsiroglu OS (2015 March 21-25). Poster session presented at: 6th World Congress on Sleep Medicine; Seoul, Korea.

Observable movement patterns and sensorimotor sensations of paediatric patients/parents with familial Willis Ekbom disease (WED) during the suggested clinical immobilization test (SCIT)
Beyzaei N, Wagner A, Berger M, Milner R, Stockler S, Ipsiroglu OS (2015).

How to standardize & visualize diagnostic and treatment endeavours of patients with neurodevelopmental conditions, requiring complex chronic care management Berger, M., Roth, F., Wagner, A., Ipsiroglu, O.S. (2015). International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 47(A): 126.

Phenotyping children with neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs), major Insomnia and familial Willis Ekbom disease/restless legs syndrome (WED/RLS)
Wagner, A., Berger, M., Dhalla, S., Stockler, S., Ipsiroglu. O.S. (2015). European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 19 (S1): S80.

A comparison of the informal & formal suggested clinical immobilization test (SCIT) results for diagnosing familial Willis Ekbom disease/restless legs syndrome (WED/RLS) in clinical practice
Beyzaei, N., Wagner, A., Berger, M., Milner, R., Stockler, S., Ipsiroglu, O.S. (2015). European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 19 (S1): S136–S137.


Rising antipsychotic prescriptions for children and youth: cross-sectoral solutions for a multimodal problem
Di Pietro, N., Illes, J.; Canadian Working Group on Antipsychotic Medications and Children. (2014). Canadian Medical Association Journal. 186(9): 653-654.

Suggested clinical immobilization test (SCIT) for diagnosis of Willis–Ekbom disease in clinical practice
Beyzaei, N., Wagner, A., Berger, M., Milner, R., Stockler, S., Ipsiroglu, O. (2014). Sleep Medicine, 16(S1): S205-S206.


Ipsiroglu, O.S., Kraegerloh-Mann, I., Schoening, M., Stoeckler, S. (2013). Nervensystem [Neurology]. Ch. P. Speer & M. Gahr. Pädiatrie [Paediatrics]. 4: 225-284.

von Kries, R., Strassburg, H., Ipsiroglu, O. S., & Aksu, F. (2013). Transkulturelle Pädiatrie [Transcultural Paediatrics]. M. Gahr, & C. Speer. Pädiatrie [Paediatrics]. 4: 965-983.

"They silently live in terror…" why sleep problems and night-time related quality-of-life are missed in children with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Ipsiroglu OS, McKellin WH, Carey N, Loock C (2013). Social science & medicine (1982). 79: 76-83


Sleep & Chronic Care-Management of Children with FASD. E. Paditz & O. S. Ipsiroglu
Ipsiroglu, O. S., & Veer, D. (2012). FASD 2011 - Facetten eines Syndromes [Facets of a Syndrome].

De-medicalizing sleep: sleep assessment tools inthe community setting for clients (patients) with FASD & prenatal substance exposure
Ipsiroglu OS, Carey N, Collet J, Fast D, Garden J, Jan JE, Loock C, Witmans M. (2012). NOFAS-UK (National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome – UK): Fetal Alcohol Forum. 0(7): 33-41.

Cultural aspects in the management of inborn errors of metabolism
Stockler S, Moeslinger D, Herle M, Wimmer B, Ipsiroglu OS (2012). Journal of inherited metabolic disease. 35(6): 1147-52.

Body and Head Movements During Sleep and Wake Episodes in a Rat Model of FASD: Pilot for Proving the Video Monitoring Concept
Hung A, Chan F, Yo W, Ipsiroglu O, Weinberg J. (2012). Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology. 18(3): 424-425.

Neurophysiology of circadian rhythm sleep disorders of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities
Jan, J.E., Bax, M.C., Owens, J.A., Ipsiroglu, O.S., Wasdell, M.B. (2012). European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society. 16(5): 403-412.


Describing Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) as a Cause of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders (CRSD): Video Studies in the Home Setting: From Ethnography to Quantitative Analyses
Ipsiroglu OS, Black A, Vilela-Barbosa A, Vatikiotis-Bateson E, McKellin W. (2011). Sleep Medicine. 12 (Supplement 1): 582-583.

Differentiating restless legs syndrome (RLS) as a cause of circadian rhythm sleep disorders (CRSD): Video studies in the home setting – commercially available low cost equipment
Hung A, Chan F, Barbosa A, Vatikiotis-Bateson E, Black A, Maurer J, Jan J, Ipsiroglu O. (2011). Somnology Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine. 15(1): 79.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) in children and youth with FASD and Prenatal Substance Exposure (PSE) - a clinically missed diagnosis aggravating the challenging behaviour?
Ipsiroglu OS, Black A, Garden J, Jan J. (2011). Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology. 18(3): 423.

Insomnia & Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) in chronic care management of children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental conditions. An Applied Medical Anthropology and Developmental Pediatrics (AMA/DP) course for undergraduates
Ipsiroglu OS, McGuire M, McKellin W. (2011). Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology. 18(3): 423-424.

How to approach sleep problems in children with FASD: the 1st Canadian FASD & SLEEP Consensus Paper
Ipsiroglu OS, Andrew G, Carmichael-Olson H, Chen M, Collet J, Pei J, et al. (2011). Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology. 18(3): 422-423.

Differentiating restless legs syndrome (RLS) as a cause of circadian rhythm sleep disorders (CRSD) – Video studies in the home setting – using optical flow to quantify movements
Barbosa A, Chan F, Black A, Maurer J, Jan J, Ipsiroglu OS, Vatikiotis-Bateson E. (2011). Somnology Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine. 15(1): 81.

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) in Children and Youth with Neurodevelopmental Conditions - a Clinically Missed Diagnosis Aggravating the Challenging Behaviour of Underlying Conditions?
Ipsiroglu OS, Chan F, Vilela-Barbosa A, Black A, Garden J, Veer D, et al. (2011). Sleep Medicine. 12 (Supplement 1): 119.


Sleep Health Issues for Children with FASD: Clinical Considerations
Jan, J.E., Asante, K.O., Conry, J.L., Fast, D.K., Bax, M.C., Ipsiroglu, O.S., Bredberg, E., Loock, C.A., & Wasdell, M.B. (2010). International journal of pediatrics. 2010: 2010.

Neurophysiology of circadian rhythm sleep disorders of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities
Jan JE, Bax MC, Owens JA, Ipsiroglu OS, Wasdell MB (2012). European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society: 16(5)


Ipsiroglu, O. S., & Aksu, F. (2009). Transkulturelle Pädiatrie [Transcultural Paediatrics]. M. Gahr, & C. Speer. Pädiatrie [Paediatrics]. 3: 963-967.

How to approach pediatric sleep in British Columbia: a consensus paper
Ipsiroglu, O.S., Jan, J.E., Freeman, R., Laswick, A., Milner, R., Mitton, C., et al. (2009). British Columbia Medical Journal (BCMJ). 50(9): 512-516.

2008 & Before

Sleep hygiene for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities
Jan JE , Owens JA , Weiss MD , Johnson KP , Wasdell MB , Freeman RD , Ipsiroglu OS. (2008). Pediatrics. 122(6).

4th Austrian SID Consensus-Consultation and the Viennese SID prevention campaign "Secure Sleep"
Ipsiroglu OS, Urschitz MS, Kerbl R, Kurz R. (2000). Wiener Klinische Wochenschr.112(5): 182-197.

Cerebral Doppler Sonography of the Neonate - A Résumé after 20 Years and Future Aspects
Ipsiroglu OS, Eichler F, Stöckler-Ipsiroglu S. (1999). Clinics in Perinatology. 26(4): 905-946.