Professor Arthur Walters is one of the doyens of adult and pediatric neurology and RLS (restless legs syndrome) research at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The network Professor Walters has developed investigates differences between growing pain and RLS and includes 85 sites from which 11 sites have applied together for funding and use an assessment concept, which is the foundation of the SWAPP.
Professor Karen Spruyt is a pediatric sleep and neurodevelopment researcher at Lyon Neuroscience Research Center.
Barbara Schneider is a senior physician and head of the Center for Neuropediatrics and Sleep Medicine at Children’s Hospital St. Marien.
Professor Rosalia Silvestri is the director of the Sleep Medicine Center, Neurophysiopathology and Movement Disorders Unit at the University of Messina, her research is on pediatrics and neurology.
Professor Maria Rosa Peraita-Adrados is a clinical neurologist and head of the Sleep Disorders & Epilepsy Unit at Gregorio Marañón University General Hospital.